The BIA B45VAS2-FF is a rugged vortex type drainage pump fitted with a cast iron semi vortex impeller. With a free passage of 25mm this pump is suitable for general drainage applications with clean or slightly dirty water.
Fitted with a vertical ‘fixed’ float this pump is compact and suitable for use in situations where space is limited.
Ideal for greywater pump out, sump emptying or pumping of light slurries from cellars, ditches, pits, ponds and drains.
Easy installation and automatic operation
Float motion is managed reducing the risk of snagging
Quality pump materials and construction to ensure reliable operation
Carry handle
Industrial grade coating
10m H07RN-F Neoprene power lead and float lead
To ensure adequate motor cooling, as per the user manual, exercise care matching pump and chamber size to prevent the risk of cycling (too many stops/ starts per hour) or continuous running.
Hydraulic Performance
Pump Dimensions
2 Year BIANCO Warranty